TRANSFER at Business Insider

This Spanish start-up wants to be a global benchmark in secure file sending by 2022 Tranxfer has developed a B2B solution so that company employees can send files and confidential information to each other through an encrypted channel. Miguel Planas, promoter of the platform, is confident that his solution will become a global benchmark... Leer más

TRANXFER in Innovaspain

Can we compete with WeTransfer? This Spanish company is already standing up to it "We have managed to develop a security technology that allows us to compete with, and surpass in many aspects, the giants of the sector", assures Innovaspain Miguel Planas, the main promoter of Tranxfer In the world of transmission of archives stand out strongly for… Leer más

Tranxfer in Expansion

The company invests one million euros to expand internationally Tranxfer, a company specialized in sending and receiving files securely, is satisfied in the first half of 2020 and faces the second half of the year with optimism. With a capital injection of one million euros received at the beginning of… Leer más

Tranxfer in Expansion

Tranxfer increases capital to tackle shadow software. Tranxfer receives one million euros with the aim of growing in Europe and Latin America The president and founder of Tranxfer, Miguel Planas, has appeared in an article in the newspaper Expansión on Monday, April 20, 2020 to explain in more detail how… Leer más